Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Anything you need let me know

I know we all heard the statement "Anything you need let me know." Most of these statements  come from close friends, acquaintance, family friends which at the moment that it is mentioned you really feel that your trust towards them is so high. It's like your parents telling you as a kid, if your good you will get that toy you always wanted or when you graduate from  college you will get that car you dreamed about. Your expectations are so high that if it's broken you feel like your idea, goal or even your life is over. I had tend to believe that we as people should put our trust in a logic sense of direction. If we can start reading in between the lines, then it will make it a lot easier for you to take in information without catching feelings.

For example, If a person says " If you need anything let me know"

Step.1 If they are not helping your right at the moment then they either won't help you or by time they actually help you it will be done already.
Step 2. Ask yourself how often does that person do favors for you
Step 3. Just look at that person and listen when they are speaking because something may come out that will trigger you to know it will not get done.
Step 4. Have a back up plan

Just a little advice, don't put your trust in people but put it into a logic sense of direction.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Are you striving?

When a person is striving for something it means it's not easy. It's kind of like the expression we use "swimming upstream." Paul Harvey said, "you can tell when your on the road to success, it's up hill all the way." In fact,  if your not striving for something that's important in your life your probably not going to get it. We shouldn't just get into a raft to coast our way to victory or to success. Strive has to be complimented obviously with balance and recreation that can refuel us. So a person that strives without balance can get quite wary not only for themselves but for others. We know that there is no success without effort and many people tend to think success just shows up for them. No door has been opened up before you to just walk in with ease.  It takes patience, effort, and balance  for your strive to become successful.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Transparent is a word that I know for myself I would never thought it could be useful in a entrepreneur lifestyle until now. Transparent to me means it allows people to see inside of you. It means your secure enough to be venerable which gives you a sense that what you believe, what you say and what you live  it's worth for some else to know or perhaps someone that is following you. I remember when I made the choice to no longer work for the corporate world and to become an independent leader, to be opened, and to be transparent. I realized imediately I was given up a piece of me to the people I was communicating with. For awhile, I was not sure if this is what I wanted to do that, I wanted to keep me for me. Then something click to me which I became to realize that every time I'm transparent, I'm opened and letting people inside of my life it draws them closer to me and me closer to them.  I never knew a successful leader over time that really helped people that didn't have transparency or authenticity within his or her life.

A leader believes that transparent means what I say is important but who I am is more important.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Number 1

Every idea that I ever had started with one. A thought is not a group thing it's a one thing. What makes one beautiful is that the moment that one is willing to share what you've learned, your thought, and your idea with someone else then that thought becomes a better thought.  We often thought that one is too small of a number to achieve greatness. In other words, you can't do it by yourself but it starts with one. Advice that was given by one of mentors is that "people like us are very valuable, very unique, and very important". So when we have an idea, thought, a dream it starts from you but don't let it end with you, because if it ends with you it really won't be a great accomplishment.  If your in a place where you want to help others, make a difference you will understand you can't do it by yourself. One of the things I understood about the number one is that you start small but you don't stay small.

There is a saying in south africa, "If you want to go fast go by yourself, but if you want to go far go with others."

Monday, July 29, 2013

How much of a impact do you make

Many times we think that we have to do something great or do something big to make an impact on people. What we have to understand is that we start small. A mentor of mine told me that "if you want to make a great impact on someone, start on making a small impact on them." In other words, don't try to wait on the day you win the lottery, don't try to wait on the day you get so big that you will  be able to do something thats amazing. Quit trying to do amazing things, do ordinary things today with great heart. See impact is more heart then anything else and when people see your heart and they realize that you care for them then even a small deed begins to make small impact upon them. Have you ever have someone do wonderful things for you but didn't do it with their heart? Even though you appreciated what they gave you but honestly did it make a impact on you. But then you have those who gave you their valuable possession. Themselves! So making an impact on others begins by caring, sharing, and having a heart for others.

If you give your heart first then whatever else you do it will make an impact on people.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Legacy beats Money

Everyone  knows the importance of money, but do you know how more important a legacy is.

Ask yourself what's your purpose on earth?

Do you use systems in your life?

Today, I had listened to a small video that was given by one my mentors and he mentioned that "anybody who knows me, knows that because I want to get things accompolished  as quickly as possible my life is filled with systems." What does this mean? Systems is refered as for example, an expressway, you can get on it and get to where you want to go which probably be much quicker. So to have a system in your life rather it's a way of travel, or even going to a restaurant. A person who has a system in life they become consistent in it and almost always they become better at it which it will allow them to get it done quicker.