Saturday, June 29, 2013

There Are Weeds In Every Garden

Have you seen a sign that said "there are weeds in every garden"? When you think about this statement you think of landscaping right! Don't worry that is normal. There is a lesson for the networking community in this message. Here is that message, every company, every opportunity on planet earth has weeds aka challenges, problems, things that may bother you. There maybe an up line that isn't supporting you (weed), a challenge with the product (weed), maybe you went through compensation changes (weed), or someone in your group is trying to put you down, and hearing from people that your business is scam the list goes on. Now, that doesn't mean the garden is not just fine because there are weeds in every garden. The fact of the matter is, in every company there are challenges. Realistically, we as people have this urge, we get frustrated which we hear about these other companies that don't have any weeds, they are awesome, it's an amazing company, they have growth but you don't know about the weeds so people jump because I want to go to a place that has no weeds. But, you get there and guess what you find? Weeds are there too! They may look different, may have different roots, but it's still a challenge. Theres always going to be challenges in network marketing no matter where you go. Now there are situations where weeds just go out of control and the company just falls a part because no one is attending to the garden, then your forced to go find another place. So no matter where you go your going to be picking weeds, no matter where you go your going to deal with challenges, distractions and problems. What is our job? Our job is to become bigger then the problem, become the garderner not the complainer because if you become a complainer that will make you a weed.

Become that gardener and do what we know best, attend to that garden aka your organization!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Every successful leader empowers people. What has been discovered that insecure people don't empower anybody. So if your on a team with an individual who is insecure then they won't empower you, because they will be afraid that you will go out and do better then them. Insecure person won' ever be successful because they only think of their selves.  They go through life with a continue safety net so they will never  jump, because they understand that they are not emotionally, physically, and mentally able to take the pressure of the risk. But if we are secure, then we will empower others in fact we would truly want that persons success. The reason we have successful coaches is because we want them to be successful. We want to empower others so that they can be better then ourselves. A leader will consider  life a real disappointment if that leader doesn't have people that they have mentored go farther, go beyond and do a lot better then that leader. So leaders your success has to be determined not from what you have done but has to be determined by the people you have empower.

So go out make a difference and empower someone!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


When we think of a person who has envision, we think of a person who can see further then what others can see. Most of us say a person can not only see further then what others can see but most of the time they can see before others can see. See envision gives us a tremendous advantage, it gives a picture, the whole picture, the total picture when most people just see a partner. But it also allows that person to see a picture first which gives you an opportunity, taking initiative and getting started before anyone else. What neyatmarketingpro has discovered that when you have an envision and have that advantage you don't use it for yourself, you use it to help others. See the leader doesn't cross the finish line first, thats the person who goes alone, thats a person who doesn't care, thats a person who doesn't try to bring people along and grow with them.

A leader will cross that finish line with people because they want others to have the same envision of success.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Discouragement is something that we all go through. I know for me I'm a very driven individual and I have moments when I walk in the house and I'm just beat. I believe the most important part that we need to understand is this great quote from one of my mentors "If we can control the space that is in between our ears, then we can control the dash between our ears". See we have a time of birth and a time of death, it's the dash  between the two that ultimately equate to our qualities of life. We can't control the time when your born or the time you will die. So it's that dash that represents the true journey of life. We together as a team will be able to overcome objection, discouragement, things that are negative by fueling our minds with positive people, positive messages. If not you will will continue to receive negative incouragement which will float in our heads, ruin our days, weeks our months until we get paralyzed and can't even move forward.  Do the following with your team:

1. Write a written list of when you were discouraged

2. Write a list of things you need to do to get your mind right

Our objective is to get our mind right on a regular basis, so the dash between your ears is life of joy,happiness, peace, vision, wisdom, clarity and success!

Friday, June 21, 2013


A close friend of the family who I looked up to as my role model taught me as a kid that when we make promises we keep it. He felt that was a bond of integrity between the person who made the promise and the person who receives it. I can remember as a young kid it was hard on myself because, I had the intendancy to want to please people and so I would say a lot of things that I probably didn't have no attention or no ability to bring able to complete. It was a lesson that I had to learn kind of the hard way because my role model didn't let me off as easy as I wanted him to when I didn't fulfill my promise.  And here is what he basically said "your word is your bond, what you say you need to do, so if your not going to do it then don't say it". A older man once said, "As a younger person what I had to learn was before I made the promise, I had to weigh the promise, ask myself is this something I can do, or is something I should do.  

So the next time your with someone and your trying to build a relationship of value, a relationship of trust and you cross that bridge of promise make sure you build it right and you cross it all the way. 

Monday, June 17, 2013


The difference between a person who's  a profesional and a person who's a amateur, is that the amateur will sometimes produce and sometimes they won't. But, the professional has the level of excellence , that I would hope is so high that they always perform. The amateur if they feel like it they will do it, but if they don't feel like it they will stay home. The professional, they just do rather they feel like it or not. I have discovered the winners of life are those who do the right thing and they feel good and the losers of life are those who want to feel good before they do the right thing.  So, I would in courage us to set the bar high for each other, set the bar high for your team. Ask them to be professional! Do the right thing because it's the right thing. Do it rather they feel like it or not, be consistant in their performance.  I would suggest we sit down with our team and talk about professionalism today. Set the bar a little high and I would image people on your team will go up to where you set the bar.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Influential Leadership

When someone ask me to define the word leadership, I would always say leadership is influential nothing more, nothing less. If you can influence people they will follow you and yet, I never known anyone who didn't influence people and had a following. Now, how can you and I become influential?
It's very simple, everyday intentionally add value to people.If you everyday intentionally add value to people you will begin to have a positive influence on their life. Pretty soon they will want to be around you, pretty soon what you say or do will be very important to them. So, influential leadership describes what a leader is.

He/She is a person of influence!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

When you hear the word Coachable what comes to your mind?

I know If I was asked this question years ago, I would say this has to do with coaching a basketball team. :) I love playing basketball and now I even coach boy's basketball for middle and high school.

But what does coachable mean?

Not only as a basketball coach but as an network professional I have realized that in order to become coachable you would have to be approachable. In other words, you have to be willing to let people come into your life. You have to be willing to let people talk into your life, perhaps have people tell you what you don't want to hear but are things that you need to hear. When I think about a person who is not coachable, I think of a person who is not willing to listen and correct his/her error or mistakes to get better.

But when I get around a coachable, approachable person I feel like sharing with them because they know that I'm not trying to hurt them, but I'm trying to help them.  It's like the work of a surgeon, yes! surgery perhaps hurts a little bit, but it's designed not to hurt you it's designed to help you.  There is always the hurt before the help. The coachable person understands that and are mature enough to say

Ok a little hurt today is worth it for a lot of help tomorrow.

How To Deal With Loneliness In MLM

Networking marketing is a lonely business. Building a big organization is a solo journey for the most part in many, many times it's lonely. Now, what do I mean by that?

1.When you decide to get into network marketing, most people in your life aren't in the same belief because they are still stuck in the matrix.  So that isolates you to a certain extinct.

2. Conventions or your local meetings are very important to help you to connect with different people.

There is really no difference in becoming an entrepreneur in any business, because once you become an entrepreneur your separating yourself from most of the people in the world. You become one of the 5%, which means 19 out of 20 people are not going down the same path your going down. But 1 out of 20 are! Some people will have that entrepreneur feeling while some will just have that fear and continue to be stuck. It's a true fact, and I have kind of embraced that all entrepreneurs going through the same challenge, all who is wishing for bigger things in life. Dealing with the loneliness that comes with searching for greatness. Once I embraced the fact this is what all entrepreneurs go through, I stepped into the leadership circle and accepted the fact most people are stuck in the matrix. Thats, when we can relax to start searching out. Which two things came to mind:

1. Find a friend in network marketing, like a work out partner who has the same energy as you or better.
2. Build relationship with other builders, people who you respect, a person who has the same passion as you do.

So if your feeling lonely in your business, wondering if you can handle it well my advice is to find that work out partner, find that friend build a relationship it will help you. Just understand that you are different , your special, your uncommon, your a Entrepreneur.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Work ethic is something that i feel in america is starting to be lost. Just the value of good hard work and what the return is. If you travel internationally you could see work ethic establishments better then in our own country. Now, here is what i know there is always a price to pay before you reap the result to the reward.  And we all know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. So if you and I are aiming to get where we possibly want to be "on the front end",  we have to discipline ourselves and be willing to do our part to achieve the desired income that we want.

For example, when someone tells me they have a dream,  I would then ask them to tell me the dream. Then I say these words to them, "let me tell you the good news about the dream and let me tell you the bad news about the dream." The good news is Dreams are free, doesn't cost you anything to dream how big or what you want to be. The bad news is although the dream is free, the Journey isn't. You got to pay for it! 

A person with our work ethic, they are willing to pay the price today so they can reap and realize the dream tomorrow.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Where is your destination? We all have places to go or places we want to see! 

In life so many times we get destination conscious also known as destination illness. Which we postpone happiness and growth saying, once i get there everything will grow. What I discovered is that life is a journey not a destination and if I'm not happy where I am right now then I won' t be happy where I'm going. If I settled my issues now, I won't settle my issues then. 

The joy is in the journey not the destination!

What is Neyat Marketingpro a.k.a Network Marketing?

What is network marketing, exactly?
It depends on who you talk to.
I’m serious!
Talk to someone who joined a network marketing opportunity, learned the ropes, took action and went on to build a wildly successful business that pays them a solid six-figure, even multiple six-figure annual business and they will tell you:
“Network marketing is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind for the average person without a lot of money to invest to become financially free.”
Talk to someone who has joined a few different opportunities over the years but who never really got in and “did the work” required to build a business and they might say something like this:
“Network marketing doesn’t work. The only people who make big money are the people who get in early.”
So who is right? And if you think about it,  neither really answers the question: “What is network marketing?”

What is Network Marketing?

According to Wikipedia, network marketing is way of doing business in which a sales force earns a commmission not only for sales of products and services they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit and bring into the business, which creates a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple leveraged levels of compensation.

Nur Academy partnering with Neyat MarketingPro fundraiser services

Legacy must go on!
You never know what to expect until you lose someone dear to your heart. Hafeezah Nurid-din, 31 year old mother of four, a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, and teacher was shot and killed by a stray bullet outside of her parents home in Overbrook of Philadelphia. This occurred on Saturday, October 7th 2012. Hafeezah had worked for years in the education program, as well as a counselor for special-needs children. She had opened Nur Academy with her siblings Latifah and Saeedah in August of 2010 located in Overbrook. Hafeezahs’ dream and high expectation was to see Nur Academy grow for all children from Pre-K thru 5th grade. She had sacrificed all she can to make sure the school was running properly and to become successful, but since her death it has been a major struggle. The school is in need of books, computers, teachers, renovation, etc. However, she always wanted her family and friends to be  a part of her dream, that is why it was easy for her oldest sister Saleemah Nurid-din to decide to take over the school responsibilities as Director.  Since than Saleemahs’ objective is to continue on her sisters’ legacy.  Nur Academy had recently partnered with Stream Energy to assist our supporters in doing what they do once a month: pay their energy bill. The school  are asking for you to be a part of this blessing... if you have any questions, please contact us: Be a part of the legacy, continue to support and let your good deeds continue on.
Thank you for your residual donations,

What can Neyat MarketingPro offer?

Neyat MarketingPro can equip you with the tools, and resources needed to grow and unveil your personal greatness, so you can become the person you were created to be. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Who is Neyat MarketingPro?

Welcome to Neyat Marketingpro Blog!

As younger kids, my brother and I always loved to help my mother and father around the house, rather it was cutting the grass to washing dishes after a good family dinner. As we got older we started to understand why our parents push us to follow this quote "NONE OF YOU TRULY BELIEVE UNTIL YOU WANT FOR YOUR BROTHER, WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOURSELF." Even though this statement is focused on a relationship towards brotherhood, this meaning goes towards all of humanity. This is the reason why my brother and I decided to start Neyat Marketingpro. Neyat means, "intentions"... in life, in order for you to become successful in anything, you will need good intentions for a good outcome. We have brought together a group of individuals who all have something in common... HELPING YOU! Neyat Marketingpro is a group of network professionals whose objective is to bring good intentions through building your personal network. Let us join you in your adventerous journey towards growth. 

"Good Intentions"

Thank you,
Tariq & Bashir 
CEO Neyat MarketingPro