Monday, June 10, 2013

What is Neyat Marketingpro a.k.a Network Marketing?

What is network marketing, exactly?
It depends on who you talk to.
I’m serious!
Talk to someone who joined a network marketing opportunity, learned the ropes, took action and went on to build a wildly successful business that pays them a solid six-figure, even multiple six-figure annual business and they will tell you:
“Network marketing is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind for the average person without a lot of money to invest to become financially free.”
Talk to someone who has joined a few different opportunities over the years but who never really got in and “did the work” required to build a business and they might say something like this:
“Network marketing doesn’t work. The only people who make big money are the people who get in early.”
So who is right? And if you think about it,  neither really answers the question: “What is network marketing?”

What is Network Marketing?

According to Wikipedia, network marketing is way of doing business in which a sales force earns a commmission not only for sales of products and services they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit and bring into the business, which creates a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple leveraged levels of compensation.

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