Friday, June 21, 2013


A close friend of the family who I looked up to as my role model taught me as a kid that when we make promises we keep it. He felt that was a bond of integrity between the person who made the promise and the person who receives it. I can remember as a young kid it was hard on myself because, I had the intendancy to want to please people and so I would say a lot of things that I probably didn't have no attention or no ability to bring able to complete. It was a lesson that I had to learn kind of the hard way because my role model didn't let me off as easy as I wanted him to when I didn't fulfill my promise.  And here is what he basically said "your word is your bond, what you say you need to do, so if your not going to do it then don't say it". A older man once said, "As a younger person what I had to learn was before I made the promise, I had to weigh the promise, ask myself is this something I can do, or is something I should do.  

So the next time your with someone and your trying to build a relationship of value, a relationship of trust and you cross that bridge of promise make sure you build it right and you cross it all the way. 

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