Monday, June 17, 2013


The difference between a person who's  a profesional and a person who's a amateur, is that the amateur will sometimes produce and sometimes they won't. But, the professional has the level of excellence , that I would hope is so high that they always perform. The amateur if they feel like it they will do it, but if they don't feel like it they will stay home. The professional, they just do rather they feel like it or not. I have discovered the winners of life are those who do the right thing and they feel good and the losers of life are those who want to feel good before they do the right thing.  So, I would in courage us to set the bar high for each other, set the bar high for your team. Ask them to be professional! Do the right thing because it's the right thing. Do it rather they feel like it or not, be consistant in their performance.  I would suggest we sit down with our team and talk about professionalism today. Set the bar a little high and I would image people on your team will go up to where you set the bar.

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