Thursday, July 11, 2013


It's what happens to us, it's life. Everyday positively or negatively it comes to us. What I have learned is that, it's two kinds of people. There is that type of person that excepts their life, they get up everyday no matter what their circumstances are they just say "thats what it is". And they continue to go through their day just excepting whats happening to them. Similar to a temperature they are up and down which leaving their circumstances to control them, because they think they can't control their circumstances. Then there is another kind of person that gets up everyday not excepting life, they lead their life. They determine their priorities and choices. Now! Does negatively circumstances happen to them? Yes of course. I honestly don't think cause you lead your life you have less negatively happening to you then a person that excepts their life. The difference is not how life treats you, it's how you respond to life. So the circumstances that comes to life, the things that are negative or positive just life itself. Very uncertain perhaps out of our control but we can control our attitude, how we think about those circumstances.

I believe circumstances don't make you, we make our selves and then your circumstances will get better.

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