Friday, July 19, 2013


Pressure is something you and I feel everyday isn't it? It's nothing like feeling stressed,  having a lot of things to do, a lot of places to go, a lot of responsibilities, a little bit of over whelmed. During this stage we are asking ourselves, "How are we going to get it done?" Psychiatrist studies shows that stress is life  and that every human has to get use to it. We'll there is a truth about that. There is a certain amount of stress or pressure that you and I are going to feel everyday. Now, what I have determined is that many times it's not what happens to me, it's what happens in me. For example, you have two people who are in the same situation, same pressure,  same circumstance and ones tends do better then the other. That's because that person would understand it's not the outward pressure it's inward response. One of my older mentors  told me that "he determined a long time ago that he cannot always choose whats going to happen to me, but he can choose what is going to happen in me."

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